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The Vampire Crab is a small, colourful, semi-terrestrial species known from rainforest valleys on the Indonesian island of Java. These brightly coloured decapods have earned this formidable common name from their glowing eyes and crepuscular feeding habits.

Sexual DimorphismCan be sexed by examining the underside of the crab. Females have a much wider, oval pleon, whereas male crabs have a narrow, tapering pleon. Males typically have larger claws.
Maximum Size3cm (1.2")
Temperature22-28 deg C (72-82 deg F)
Water ParametersHard and alkaline. pH: 7.5-8.5, dH: 10-25 degrees. *Must have access to land*
CompatibilitySpecies-only freshwater paludarium.

No special requirements  


Appropriate tank mates for your pet Vampire Crab include large snails and shrimp. Larger pet fish should be avoided as they may eat your crab, while smaller pet fish should be avoided as they may be eaten by your crab.


Vampire Crabs live on the edges of rivers and lakes. This gives them access to land and water to satisfy their semi-terrestrial lifestyle. These habitats are usually dense with plants, both on land and in the water. Many people add these crabs to paludariums because of their need for plants in their environment.

Omnivorous. Offer a selection of meaty foods such as bloodworm, Mysis shrimp, and finely chopped krill/prawns, along with some vegetable matter. Will also take many dry fish foods such as pellets and algae wafers. A number of specialist dried foods for crabs are also available.

Vampire Crabs have been bred in the home aquarium. After mating, the female crab will carry the eggs under her abdomen for several weeks before they hatch and miniature crabs emerge - there is no larval stage. The young spend most of their time in or very near to the water, becoming proportionally more terrestrial as they mature.


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