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Glofish are genetically engineered fishes. As the name depicts, they have brilliant fluorescent colors.

They are nothing but glowing versions of the naturally occurring wild varieties like Zebra danios, Rainbow sharks, Tiger barbs, Bettas, and Black skirt tetras.

The Glofish tetras are pretty much easier to take care of just like their natural counterparts, making them one of the most popular glofish varieties in this business.

Glofish Tetra Size

Since there is no difference other than the body color between the natural black skirt tetra fish and its glofish variety, the size of glofish tetra is also the same as its ancestral peer.

They are supposed to get 3 inches long. However, it is possible only if the aquarium conditions are maintained ideally. It also depends on the conditions of their previous home in a fish shop.

If you buy juveniles and maintain ideal tank conditions, they can reach their potential size of 3 inches in length.

Glofish Tetra Lifespan

The average lifespan of glofish tetra in aquariums is 3 years. However, it all depends upon the conditions and stability of the aquarium. With proper care and aquarium maintenance, you can even expect them to live up to 5 years.

The original wild variety can live up to 7 years in the natural habitat. However, that seems to be unattainable in the home aquariums.

Because no matter how much you try to keep your aquarium maintained, you cannot substitute the same environment that they live in in the wild.

Glofish Tetra Behavior

Glofish tetra is a peaceful fish and, they like to live in a shoaling group of 5 or more. A single specimen is prone to become stressed and limit itself to isolation.

Therefore, it’s best and necessary to keep them in groups. As far as their behavior is concerned, they are peaceful and make excellent tank mates with other small fishes.

However, they are semi-aggressive to the long-finned fishes, provided that they are slow, not so large, and aggressive. The long fins trigger their nipping instinct.

If the female in a group of 2 or more males shows off the signs of spawning, that also triggers their intergroup aggression, and every male tends to pair up with the female.

Feeding Glofish Tetra

When it comes to feeding, the glofish tetra is not very choosy, and they would readily take up anything given to them. However, that’s not the ideal case scenario.

If you want your fish to be healthy and happy, you need to balance the diet in such a way that can be helpful for your fish nutritionally.

The glofish tetra is omnivorous, which means their nutritional requirements need a variety of supplementation to be given as a part of everyday diet. This brings us to the question written below.

Let me put that all together in a simpler way.

  • Flakes and pellets with some frozen diet (Everyday)
  • Veggies (Occasionally)
  • Live foods (Occasionally, max 3 times a week

Temperature for Glo Tetra

If we look at the origin of the wild counterpart of glofish tetra, we come to know that they naturally inhabit the freshwaters of South America.

The water bodies in South America are slightly acidic and warm, which means the temperature is another important parameter for the thrival and survival of the glofish tetra.

The suggested temperature range to be maintained for the glofish tetra tank is 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it is best to maintain a temperature somewhere in the middle of this range instead of extremities.

Tank Setup for Glofish Tetras

As far as the setup of the tank is concerned, it’s not a big deal. You need to understand the environment better about this fish’s natural living ancestor lives in the wild.

So with that being said, let’s keep it short and simple. The tank for glofish tetra should be set so that after accommodating the vegetation, decoration, and other equipment, there must be enough space left for the group of glofish to shoal at ease.

Like submerged plants, the vegetation replicates for their home in the wild, where they seek protection and shelter. The wooden lodges would also serve the same purpose.

Glofish Tetra Tank Mates

Choosing the right tankmates for the glofish tetra requires a better understanding of their social behavior, as it is the key to an ideal environment that your glowing beauties deserve.

ere is the list of few fishes that make up good tankmates for your shoal of glofish tetra

  • Cardinal Tetras
  • Rasboras
  • Plecos
  • Tiger Barbs
  • Danios
  • Neon Tetras
  • Dwarf Cichlids
  • Black neon tetra
  • Dwarf Gourami
  • Honey Gourami


It’s pretty hard to differentiate between the male and female glofish tetra as both share similar physical characteristics.

There is no such particular sexual dimorphism in them that could tell them apart. You can only identify their sexuality when they get matured. Upon reaching maturity, the females will have broader, deeper bodies, and the males will be more slender and smaller.

Normally it’s hard to separate them as males or females. So maybe you have to wait until they show spawning signs. During spawning, the female abdomen gets enlarged as if it is pregnant, and you can easily differentiate the sexes at this point.


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